“What is yoga after all? It is something that we experience inside, deep within our being. In yoga we try in every action to be as attentive as possible. Yoga is different from dance or theater. In yoga we are not creating something for others to look at. As we perform the various asanas, we observe what we are doing and how we are doing it,. We do it only for ourselves. We are both observer and what is observed at the same time. If we don't pay attention to ourselves in our practice, then we cannot call it yoga.”
~ Desikachar, son & student of Krishnamacharya, Mr. Iyengar's teacher
~ Desikachar, son & student of Krishnamacharya, Mr. Iyengar's teacher
Yoga is a practice that calls us back to ourselves. It calls us in. When we practice, we discover the right amount of elastic tension in the body tissues. By expanding from center to periphery, our awareness saturates our whole being. In yoga, we become Whole-- wholy concentrated, wholy integrated, wholy aligned, Holy Present.
The Iyengar-style classes I teach focus on alignment. We prepare the body through thoughtful sequencing for each asana. Each person starts where they are and works to grow from there. Adjustments in propping are made for each student to feel the support they need to expand from their center without strain.